International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering
WHEN 14-15 Apr '24
WHERE Lisbon, Portugal
Historically, formal methods academic research and practical software development have had limited mutual interactions — except possibly in specialized domains such as safety-critical software. In recent times, the outlook has considerably improved: on the one hand, formal methods research has delivered more flexible techniques and tools that can support various aspects of the software development process — from user requirements elicitation, to design, implementation, verification and validation, as well as the creation of documentation. On the other hand, software engineering has developed a growing interest in rigorous techniques applied at scale.
The FormaliSE conference series promotes work at the intersection of the formal methods and software engineering communities, providing a venue to exchange ideas, experiences, techniques, and results. We believe more collaboration between these two communities can be mutually beneficial by fostering the creation of formal methods that are practically useful and by helping develop higher-quality software.
Originally a workshop event, since 2018 FormaliSE has been organized as a conference co-located with ICSE. The 12th edition of FormaliSE will also take place as a co-located conference of ICSE 2024.
Area of interest (include but are not limited to):